Understanding VAT for importing goods to the UK post Brexit

Robert Bradman

Robert works closely with his clients on a range of areas including advising on business structure, preparation of cash flow projections and providing financial analysis to the business owner. In addition, Robert helps his corporate clients to comply with their statutory and legal obligations by providing them with audit, accountancy and corporate taxation services.

Robert Bradman
post-brexit VAT arrangements

Understanding VAT for importing goods to the UK post Brexit

Since 1 January 2021, we have been dealing with many client enquiries involving the post-Brexit VAT arrangements, both for UK businesses importing goods from the EU, and EU businesses selling goods to UK customers. Import VAT From 1 January, goods imported from the EU into Great Britain are subject to import VAT and customs declarations. …

Understanding VAT for importing goods to the UK post Brexit Read More »

Rewiew and outsource your payroll processes

Has the pandemic impacted on your payroll processes?

You are not alone. Did you know that 48% of businesses introduced changes to their payroll processes due to COVID-19? A YouGov study in November 2020, conducted by IRIS Software Group, has looked at the impact the pandemic has had on small businesses and how they have managed their payroll. According to the survey, 29% …

Has the pandemic impacted on your payroll processes? Read More »