Are you considering merging or acquiring a company? Do you need advice with selling your business or a management buy-out? Are you looking to raise additional investment funding or need guidance for financing and structuring?
Corporate finance is often associated with transactions that utilise existing capital or raise new funds to create, develop and grow projects, ventures and other businesses. Whatever the reason, you will need expert advice to navigate these next steps of your journey.
If you want advisors who will work with you to minimise risks and maximise rewards, we are here to guide you through the complex processes involved. You will have more time to focus on the continued management and success of your business.
Our corporate finance team deliver a bespoke and tailored service to your exact requirements. With years of real experience in working on deals of different sizes, we have the technical expertise you need and always provide straightforward advice, no matter how complex your deal is.
We can support you by:
- Assisting in finding suitable potential acquisitions
- Identifying synergies and potential cost savings
- Assessing value and total purchase costs
- Due diligence investigations and reports
- Structuring or restructuring joint ventures or projects
- Confidential negotiations with vendors
- Advising on Heads of Terms and Purchase Agreement
- Evaluating and obtaining suitable finance
Before agreeing on a merger, acquisition, or similar corporate transaction, we strongly advise our clients to investigate the structure of their deal and the finances.
There are complex, laborious and risky aspects to business transactions. You want to partner with advisors who can assess each angle to guide you through all the potential liabilities and benefits. Our due diligence reviews will ensure you know the identity, full background and other vital aspects of the parties involved.
Find out how we can help your business, arrange a free consultation with our corporate finance team to discuss your goals and objectives.