What is Gift Aid and how do I claim it?

What is Gift Aid?

What is Gift Aid and how do I claim it?

Did you know you can claim back 25p each time an individual donates £1 to your charity? This is Gift Aid.

The Charity Finance Group and their #TickTheBox campaign provide opportunities for UK charities to increase engagement with Gift Aid. Government figures released in July 2023 showed that the amount of Gift Aid claimed had increased to £ 1.6 billion, however, fewer charities benefit from this vital tax relief.  

Although there are rules on the types of donations you can claim gift aid, if you are a recognised charity or community amateur sports club (CASC), you can claim online and receive payments within 4-5 weeks.

Your donors must pay at least as much in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in that tax year as you want to claim and declare they permit you to claim it.

If you do not have a Gift Aid declaration from your donor, you may still claim cash donations of less than £30 through the Gift Aid small donations scheme (GADSD).

For basic-rate taxpayers, gift aid will add 25% of the value of the donation.

Image Credit – CAF (Charities Aid Foundation)

You must record all Gift Aid declarations for six years after your most recent claim. You can find an example declaration form here.

Only around 25% of donations include Gift Aid although the donor is eligible, mostly due to a lack of opportunity or understanding of eligibility to include it in their donations.

What are the benefits of Gift Aid? 

Gift Aid has a significant impact on charity fundraising and effectively ‘supercharges’ donations by increasing their value. Even the smallest of donations can have huge benefits to charitable causes, at no extra cost to the individual – every penny truly counts!
Where a donor is a UK taxpayer, the Gift Aid makes no difference to how much they pay as the charity reclaims the basic rate tax that has already been paid from the government.

What are the rules for claiming gift aid?

There are times when you cannot claim Gift Aid on donations, including the following circumstances:

  • Donations from limited companies
  • Donations in the form of shares
  • Donations made through payroll giving
  • Donations that are payments for goods or services
  • Gifts with a condition about repayment  
  • Gifts made using “charity vouchers” or “charity cheques” 
  • Membership fees to CASCs (Community Amateur Sports Club)
  • Amounts received before you were a recognised CASC or charity
  • Where donors receive a ‘benefit’ over
    DonationThe maximum value of the benefit
    Up to £10025% of the donation
    £101 +25% of £100 plus 5% of £101 up to the total benefit value of £2,500

The value of the benefit is usually the retail value of the item or service. It is the value to the recipient, not to the charity.

How do I claim Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is claimed online from HMRC through a spreadsheet, eligible software or via post via Form ChR1.

If you are claiming over 1,000 donations, you must use the software.

There are deadlines for claiming Gift Aid which depend on how you have set up your charity. You must claim within four years of the end of the “financial period” you received your donation in

  • If you are a trust; this is the tax year (6 April – 5 April)
  • If your charity is a CASC, a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) or a limited company, this is your accounting period

For cash donations under the Gift Aid Small Donations scheme, you must claim within two years of the tax year-end in which you collected the donations.

You will need to keep records of these donations for a further two more years i.e.  6 years in total, after the end of the relevant financial period.

Payments will be received within 4 weeks by BACS if claimed online.

Gift Aid is a tax-efficient way of raising additional funds for UK-registered charities and community amateur sports clubs. If you have recently set up a charity or CASC and would like further advice on the rules, speak with our advisors.

How can we help?

Gift Aid plays a crucial role in helping charities maximise their contributions and access extra funding to support their initiatives and projects.

Wilder Coe has a wealth of experience preparing and submitting gift aid claims for charities. We can help assess whether donations are eligible for gift aid and ensure accurate paperwork for gift aid declarations are in place.

Speak to Charlotte Willmore and our charity team for a free consultation to find how we can help.

Charlotte Willmore
Audit Manager at Wilder Coe
Charlotte has experience in the supervision and preparation of statutory accounts, management accounts including tailored client-specific analysis and service charge accounts as well as the audit of statutory accounts and preparation of Corporation tax returns for companies.